BIS 1 Veteran in Tervakoski INT Show 29.8.2010 "Manu"
Posted by Irene on August 30th 2010
In Tervakoski INT Show "Manu" WORLD VETERAN WINNER-10, INT & NORD CH, FIN, LTU, EST, S & N CH, EEVCH, LTVW´2010, LT VCH, FinnSieger WILLY LEE OSVALD-PEPPER made the day again! BOB veteran Gunilla Skallman , Sweden BIS Veteran, judge Viva Maria Soleckyj Szpunar, Poland
BIS Veteran judge Viva Maria Soleckyj Szpunar and "Manu" with Nora Ylikylä
Tervakoski INT Show 29-8-2010
Posted by Irene on August 29th 2010
Raisio 15.8.2010
Posted by Irene on August 16th 2010
Judge Rony Doedijns, Holland Black and silvers: jun exc1, best male 4 Kalimen Ihmeellinen Iikka "Osku", breeder Paula Kontio, holder Harri Grönman, owner Irene Häyry Pepper&salts: intermed exc1, best male 3, res.CAC Julian Astronaut "Juri", owners Marja-Terttu Rusi and Irene Häyry and whites, sugar on the bottom, our new boy from Poland jun exc1, BOB, CAC Ulmus Mengo Celebration "Jasper", breeder Oksana Kmiezik, holder Seija Kontturi, owners Eija-Maaria Jussila and Irene Häyry. Special thanks to Oksana that you gave us this excellent beautyboy!
Ulmus Mengo Celebration FI54974/09
photos: Reijo Ahteela
Ulmus Mengo Celebration --------------- BOS Silmariena from Dolina Rivendell, judge Rony Doedijins, BOB Ulmus Mengo Celebration
photos: Arja Niemijärvi
Savo INT Show 7.- 8.8.2010
Posted by Irene on August 9th 2010
Saturday 7.8.10 judge Paolo Dondina from Italy, in whites: Open class exc2, bestmale4 Enzo vom Ladeskroner Weiher, breeder Angelika Helsper from Germany
photo: Miika Ylipahkala/Jin
Sunday 8.8. judge Liliane de Ridder-Onghena Belgium, speciality judge in black and silvers: FIN Ch Willy Lee Ubertino ch cl exc3, best male 4 in blacks: BOB, CAC, Cacib, Finnish Champion Peacemaker's Black Lyra "Poolo"! handled by Irene, breeder Eija-Maaris Jussila
Peacemaker's Black Lyra, speciality judge Liliane de Ridder-Onghena and Heathkeeper's Front and Center with Johanna Klockars
photo: Miika Ylipahkala / Jin
Nokia 7.8.2010
Posted by Irene on August 9th 2010
Savo INT Show 6.8.2010
Posted by Irene on August 9th 2010